Discovering the Dark ‘n Stormy: Bermuda’s Iconic National Drink

The Dark ‘n Stormy, a refreshingly bold cocktail with a rich history, has become synonymous with the island of Bermuda. This classic highball, made from a blend of dark rum and ginger beer, is a staple in Bermudian culture and has gained popularity around the world. In this article, we delve into the origins of the Dark ‘n Stormy, explore its unique ingredients, and share tips on how to make the perfect version of this iconic drink at home.

A Dark ‘n Stormy History

The origins of the Dark ‘n Stormy can be traced back to the early 19th century when the Gosling family began producing rum in Bermuda. The family’s signature product, Gosling’s Black Seal Rum, was initially crafted from the residue left behind in the aging barrels. This rich, dark rum quickly became a favourite among sailors and locals alike.

The second key ingredient, ginger beer, was introduced to the island by British sailors. Ginger beer was traditionally consumed by sailors to help combat seasickness and preserve their health during long voyages. The combination of Gosling’s Black Seal Rum and ginger beer proved to be a perfect match, and the Dark ‘n Stormy was born.

Gosling’s eventually trademarked the name “Dark ‘n Stormy,” stipulating that only their Black Seal Rum can be used in the authentic version of the cocktail. The name is said to have originated from a sailor who described the drink’s appearance as “the colour of a cloud only a fool or a dead man would sail under.”

The Key Ingredients

  1. Gosling’s Black Seal Rum: This Bermudian dark rum is aged in oak barrels, giving it a smooth, complex flavour profile with notes of caramel, molasses, and spice. The Black Seal Rum is the star of the Dark ‘n Stormy, and using a different rum would result in a different taste altogether.
  2. Ginger Beer: A spicy, tangy non-alcoholic beverage made from fermented ginger and sugar, ginger beer adds a refreshing kick to the cocktail. The choice of ginger beer can significantly impact the flavour of your Dark ‘n Stormy, so opt for a robust, high-quality brand.

Crafting the Perfect Dark ‘n Stormy


  • 2 oz Gosling’s Black Seal Rum
  • 4-6 oz ginger beer
  • Lime wedge for garnish (optional)


  1. Fill a highball glass or a Collins glass with ice.
  2. Pour the ginger beer over the ice.
  3. Slowly pour the Gosling’s Black Seal Rum on top, allowing it to float over the ginger beer, creating a distinct, stormy cloud-like layer.
  4. Garnish with a lime wedge, if desired. Remember not to stir the drink before serving to maintain the signature layered appearance.


The Dark ‘n Stormy is more than just a cocktail; it’s a symbol of Bermuda’s history, maritime heritage, and vibrant culture. Whether you’re sipping one on a sun-soaked Bermudian beach or enjoying it at home, this iconic drink is a celebration of the island’s unique flavours and spirit. So, raise a glass, and let the Dark ‘n Stormy transport you to the tropical paradise of Bermuda.