Discovering Bermuda Parishes: A Journey Through Paradise

As you venture beyond the pink-sand beaches and captivating landscapes that Bermuda is known for, you’ll find that the Bermuda parishes each offer unique and unforgettable experiences. From the bustling capital city to serene nature reserves and historic landmarks, the Bermuda parishes are a treasure trove for visitors seeking an immersive adventure. In this article,…

Cup Match: Bermuda’s Celebration of Emancipation and Cricket

The Cup Match holiday in Bermuda is a two-day annual celebration that brings together the island’s rich history, culture, and love for cricket. This event is a fusion of the commemoration of the emancipation of slaves on the island and an exciting cricket match between two rival teams. As one of the most anticipated events…

5 Best Things to do in Bermuda During The Winter

Bermuda, known for its pink sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, and stunning natural beauty, is a popular vacation spot during the summer months. However, this tropical paradise is also an ideal winter destination, with a milder climate and fewer crowds. From exploring historic landmarks to sampling local cuisine and enjoying outdoor activities, Bermuda offers a wealth…