Scooter and Electric Car Rentals in Bermuda

When visiting Bermuda you may be looking for an option to get around the island on your own without having to wait for public transportation or taxis. While visitors are not allowed to rent cars like in most places, you do have the option to rent a 50cc scooter or electric mini car. Both options can carry a maximum of two passengers which means your choice will depend on comfort, experience or price.

Scooter Rentals

Bermuda rental scooter from Oleander Cycles

For many years, visitors were only allowed to rent scooters to get around Bermuda. They are perfect for the island’s narrow roads and convenient to park wherever you are. However, they may not be ideal for everyone as accidents on scooters are much less safe than in a car. If you have experience riding motor bikes you should be fine although they will be much slower than what you are used to. Scooter rentals are ideal for younger riders as you may need a bit of speed and strength to maneuver the scooter if you were to lose control.

You can rent a scooter from the following businesses:

Oleander Cycles

Smatt’s Cycles

Elbow Beach Cycles

Electric Mini Car Rentals

Electric Rental Cars in Bermuda

Since 2017, visitors to Bermuda have had the option to rent electric mini cars while on island. These two seater vehicles are more familiar to drivers meaning they are a lot safer than rental scooters. However, they come at a higher cost which makes them a less viable option for long stays. The cars available all have enough capacity to travel from one end of the island and back with chargers available at the most popular spots.

Electric mini cars can be rented from the following businesses:

Current Vehicles

Bermuda Rental Car

Rugged Rentals


You can learn more with our guide on Electric Mini Car Rentals

Please be mindful of the roads when renting a vehicle; we drive on the left side and the roads are very narrow with lots of blind corners. If renting a vehicle in Bermuda is not for you, check out our article on How to Get a Taxi in Bermuda.

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